
Recent Updates

魅影直播 Regents Rules

Recently Revised 

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated to comply with IRS guidance regarding Section 603 of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 20222 (SECURE). 

See Full Rule:

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated in accordance with bi-annual review. Both the statutory reference and the responsible parties have been updated accordingly. 

See Full Rule:

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated to add further details regarding what is included in the Master Plan and update the responsible parties. 

See Full Rule:

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule substantially updated to conform with modern requirements, processes, and responsible parties. 

See Full Rule:

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated to conform with modern requirements and responsible parties. 

See Full Rule:

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated responsible parties. 

See Full Rule:  

Effective Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Regents Rule updated responsible parties. 

See Full Rule:

魅影直播 System Regulations

Recently Added

Description: The Board of Regents and the University of North 魅影直播 System has authorized and approved certain Retirement Plans to provide a comprehensive retirement program for employees that have elected the 403(b) Optional Retirement Plan or have elected to participate in the voluntary 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan. The primary purpose of the Plans is to provide a retirement benefit for Participants and their Beneficiaries by offering the opportunity for long-term capital accumulation.

Applicability: All employees. 

Effective Date: 09/26/2024

Comments: Policy adopted. 

See Full Regulation:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration is committed to fully accomplishing its mission under all threats and conditions, including during emergencies. For this reason, it supports the development and maintenance of an emergency management program that is designed to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. This regulation defines the program requirements and outlines the program standards for alignment, coordination, and collaboration between institutions. 

Applicability: All employees and individuals acting on behalf of the 魅影直播 System or an Institution in the System, including the System Administration. 

Effective Date: 08/14/2024

Comments: Policy adopted. 

See Full Regulation:

Recently Revised 

Description: Travel by authorized individuals must be in accordance with University of North 魅影直播 System Travel guidelines, this regulation, and applicable state laws. All travel must be approved in advance. Travel expenses must be reasonable and necessary for conducting System or Institution business. 

Applicability: All individuals authorized to travel on behalf of the University of North 魅影直播 System and its Institutions

Revision Date: 10/03/2024

Comments: Regulation updated to reflect Business Services as the responsible office for the Guidelines and administration of this regulation. 

See Full Regulation:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration and Institutions shall ensure appropriate approval of checks and electronic payments.

Applicability: System Administration and Institutions

Revision Date: 09/24/2024

Comments: Regulation reviewed and updated to adjust approval for payments falling under the relevant policy.

See Full Regulation:

Description: This Regulation sets forth the rules for the investment of all System funds and funds held by the System in trust for others. All investments by the System will be made in accordance with Rule 10.100 of the Rules of the Board of Regents of the University of North 魅影直播 System and this System Regulation. 

Applicability: 魅影直播 System Administration and to all 魅影直播 System Institutions. 

Revision Date: 08/15/2024

Comments: Reviewed and updated in accordance with updated Regents Rule 10.100. 

See Full Regulation:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System provides faculty and staff the opportunity to receive supplemental compensation for services performed outside the scope of their regular assignment. This regulation provides for the administration of supplemental compensation, in compliance with applicable state and federal law. 

Applicability: All components of the 魅影直播 System. 

Revision Date: 07/29/2022

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated military leave requirements. 

See Full Regulation:


魅影直播 System Administration Policies

Recently Added

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration is committed to providing an inclusive workplace for employees. In keeping with this commitment, the System Administration accommodates sincerely held religious beliefs of applicants and employees. 

Applicability: All employees and applicants for employment. 

Effective Date: 02/07/2023

Comments: Policy adopted. 

See Full Policy:

Recently Revised

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration (System Administration) supports employees who serve in state or federal military units and provides employment protections, rights, and benefits to those employees who serve our country. The System Administration will grant military leave to employees who are called to fulfill federal or state government military duties. 

Applicability: All regular staff. 

Revision Date: 05/17/2023

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated military leave requirements. 

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration complies with federal and state laws applicable to attendance and leave reporting. Timely and accurate attendance and leave reporting ensures employees receive proper payment for hours worked or for leave entitlements. 

Applicability: All employees. 

Revision Date: 03/07/2023

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements. 

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration provides unpaid job-protected leave to eligible employees for family and medical reasons as required by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. 

Applicability: All Employees

Revision Date: 02/07/2023

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements. 

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration is committed to providing an inclusive workplace for employees. In keeping with this commitment, the System Administration makes reasonable changes in the workplace or in the way things are customarily don't to provide individuals with disabilities equal employment opportunities. 

Applicability: All employees and applicants for employment. 

Revision Date: 01/30/2023

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements. 

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration is committed to administering a compensation program that effectively attracts, retains, motivates, and rewards a highly talented and committed workforce in accordance with 魅影直播 System Enterprise Staff Compensation Guidelines and applicable laws including the Equal Pay Act and Title VII. 

Applicability: All staff employees. 

Revision Date: 01/04/2023

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements.

See Full Policy:

Description: This Policy defines the designated sites for the University of North 魅影直播 System Administration. 

Applicability: All employees. 

Revision Date: 06/24/2024

Comments: Policy substantially updated to account for updated locations and approvals. 

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration strives to provide an equitable, effective, and consistent method of evaluating positions to determine the appropriate salary range and job title in the staff classification system. 

Applicability: All staff employees. 

Revision Date: 08/15/2022

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements.

See Full Policy:

Description: The University of North 魅影直播 System Administration provides regular employees the opportunity to receive supplemental compensation for services performed outside the scope of their regular assignment. This policy provides for the administration of supplemental compensation, in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. 

Applicability: All employees. 

Revision Date: 07/29/2022

Comments: Reviewed and updated in compliance with required review. Policy substantially updated to account for updated requirements.

See Full Policy:

Recently Deleted

Description: This policy outlined the process of gathering, submitting, and processing all vendor invoice requests. 

Effective: 10/10/2024

Related Documents: (See section 4 (Payment) and section 5 (Delivery)). 

Description: This policy outlined the process and requirements for engaging Private Consultants. 

Effective: 10/10/2024

Related Documents: 魅影直播 System Procurement Guide (See section 1.4 (Solicitation Guidelines), subsection 1 "Professional Services & section 4 (Contracts), subsection "Contracted Workforce Procurements")


Descriptions: This policy outlined the process for interagency payments of funds for the System to another state agency. 

Effective: 09/19/2024

Related Documents: (See section 1.7 (Contracts & Agreements) and "Interagency Cooperation Contract")

Descriptions: This policy covered the rules and procedures related to payment and reimbursement of registration fees. 

Effective: 09/19/2024

Related Documents: (See section 5 (Fees) and "Registration Fees").

Description: This policy covered the rules and procedures related to purchasing and reimbursement of subscriptions to magazines, newspapers, professional journals, etc. 

Effective: 09/19/2024

Related Documents: (See section 14 (Print Materials) and "Subscriptions")

Description: This policy served to identify the appropriate department for handling mail services as well as outlining the process and procedure for purchasing postage. All information can be found in the links provided below. 

Effective: 09/19/2024

Related Documents (see Section 3) and

Description: The policy provided the organization for System Administration. 

Effective: 08/06/2024

Description: The policy outlined requirement for reinstatement of veterans. 

Effective: 05/17/2023

Description: This procedure outlined procedure for Salary Administration and implementation of 03.502.

Effective: 08/15/2022